
Jorge Coulon L.
Musician, writer and cultural manager. Co-founder of the Inti Illimani group. It has nearly 50 years of uninterrupted musical, social, political and cultural history. He has recorded more than 40 albums with Inti Illimani. He has published the books Sulle corde del tempo (2022), Victor Jara's smile (2010), Flores del Mall: 20 years kicking in the happy copy of Eden (2011) and On the fly (1990).
He works alongside the members of Inti Illimani to provide guidance to the artistic department of the Sol del Illimani school in La Florida. This municipal educational-artistic establishment has ten years of experience and is known for bringing diverse artistic expressions to the community, fostering cultural experiences throughout the region.
From 2015 to 2017, he served as the Executive Director of the Cultural Park of Valparaíso (formerly a prison). Since 2019 he has been President of the Board of the Fundación Sol del Illimani - Culturas del Sur, a platform for social activation and popular education, inspired by the great trajectory of Inti Illimani and the cultures of the South.

Director and Treasurer
Marcelo Coulon
Composer and performer. In 1969 he joined the Huamari group, with which he made numerous presentations throughout Chile, mainly at the Peña de los Parra. He recorded two LPs with this group: Huamari Chile and America and Workers' Oratory. In 1970 he worked with Inti Illimani, with whom he recorded the album I sing to the Program, which popularizes the first 40 measures of the Popular Unity government. During that period, he actively participated in the production and recording of the album The population, by Victor Jara.
While in exile in Paris from 1973 to 1978, he had the opportunity to work as an assistant director at the Coral Popular de Nanterre and the Taller Luis Emilio Recabarren, both institutions founded by the composer Sergio Ortega.
As a composer, the musicalization of The last words, Salvador Allende's speech broadcast during the bombing of La Moneda, and did collaborative work on several songs with Patricio Manns.
He joined Inti Illimani for good in 1978.

Director and Secretary
María Raquel Echiburú A.
Environmental engineer and translator. Master in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development. She has specialized in the development and implementation of environmental management programs in both the public and private sectors, including the National Geology and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN) and Aguas Andinas S.A. She has taught at the School of Natural Resources at DUOC UC and at the Mining Center of the Catholic University of Valparaíso. She published the research Bases for an Integrated Management Program of Sanitary Infrastructure Generation for Dispersed and/or Semi Concentrated Rural Population. The Case of the Metropolitan Region..
Manager of the Chile Emprende program (2008-2010) of the Technical Cooperation Service - SERCOTEC. Intersectoral program of the Public Services: SERCOTEC, FOSIS, INDAP, SERNATUR and SENSE, with scope in 42 territories nationwide and assistance in the articulation of the communal and intercommunal territory.
As a Spanish/English translator, she has specialized in environment and sustainability, social research, education, financial statements and local economic development. She currently translates the quarterly Journal of Chinese Thought Wenhua Zongheng, published by the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research.

Vijay Prashad
Historian and journalist, author of forty books, including Washington Bullets, Red Star over the third world, The Darkest Nations: A History of the Peoples of the Third World and The Poorest Nations: A Possible History of the Global South. His latest book The Retreat: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Fragility of American Power (2022) was written with Noam Chomsky. He is Executive Director of The Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and chief correspondent for Globetrotter. He is also editor-in-chief of LeftWord Books (New Delhi) and a non-resident senior civil servant fellow at the Chongyang Institute of Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. He has appeared two films: Shadow World (2016) and Two Meetings (2017).

César Jara A.
Guitarist, music education teacher and graduate of the Master's Degree in Latin American Musicology at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado. He studied classical guitar at the Universidad de Chile and pedagogy at the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación.
He was a member of the national groups Vatalpai (2000-2002) and Santa Mentira (2001-2004). In 2005 he joined the group Inti Illimani and since then he has been the guitarist and multi-instrumentalist, taking over the musical direction of the group in 2023. Since 2014 he also participates as general coordinator of the educational project Sol del Illimani in the municipality of La Florida.
Jorge Coulon L.
M. Soledad Silva B.
Marcelo Coulon L.
Isabel Tolosa L.
Roberto Fantuzzi H.
2019 – 2021
Jorge Coulon L.
Alvaro Palma N.
Marcelo Coulon L.
Isabel Tolosa L.
Roberto Fantuzzi H.
2021 – 2023
Jorge Coulon L.
Alvaro Palma N.
Marcelo Coulon L.
Marcela Zapata Z. César Jara A.